The Unamiga A500 header was designed to fit on a real A500 or a Checkmate 1500 case. The header outputs all the required signals from the FPGA to convert your empty case into a fully working A500 020 Amiga with AGA, and also others cores compatible.
There has been a few changes from version 1.4 to 1.5. This new version has a new Audio DAC for even better audio quality using the UDA1334 DAC. Also the 3.5mm audio jack is now an input connector to use with the TZXDUINO device for the Speccy and others cores compatible. The A500 KB connector now has the HDD and FDD lights connected on the KB connector and also the PWR connector. A new footprint for wifi connection has been added. RTC footprint added. Finally the board has an additional SRAM required for the new cores and multicore board support *.
FPGA Board Included.
24bit videodac to output VGA 15khz/31khz output (depends on the core).
Power plug vía JACK or via MICROUSB B.
Power switch.
MicroSD reader.
NEW 14bit I2S UDA1334 dac with Dual stereo RCA jacks.
One amiga Joystick port and one Amiga Mouse port (DB9).
External PS2 Keyboard and Mouse available.
Wemos D1 footprint for Wifi connection (serial). (Wemos D1 module not included).
Floppy buzzer.
RTC footpring. (RTC module not included).
HDD, FDD and POWERLED output (now also connected to the A500 KB connector).
Internal A500 keyboard connector (you can use your original A500 keyboard with this board).
SoftLatch circuit for the CheckMate 1500 case.
Aditional SRAM module required by others cores.
SD card with software included for free.
Amiga Core Specs:
68020 AGA Core
2MB of chip ram.
20 MB of fast ram.
Floppy emulation via ADF’s (two floppy’s available)
HardDrive Emulation via HDF’s (two files can be set up to two drives).
Others cores now compatible
NEXT, Speccy, C64, MSX, etc.
Note: Since this design is made to fit on a A500 or CheckMate 1500 case, I have put all the connections (vga, audio, power, sd), located where the originals (serial, parallel, ext floppy, db23, etc) were located. There is no serial, parallel or external floppy ports available. Compatible with the upcoming A500 cases from
What’s in the package:
Unamiga header with fpga.
NEW Free microSD with software included.
NEW 5V 2A powercharger with cable.
User Manual.
Add your name on the PCB:
Since this is a pre-order, you can add your name (or nick name) on the PCB along others users who buy this header. If you want to put another name you must specify when you place the order. If you have forgotten the nickname on the buying process, send me an email with your order number to [email protected] and I will add it.
This is a pre-order (A pre-order is an order placed for an item that has not yet been released) registration, the full payment of the product is required.
Only 42 units will be made. Once they are all reserved I will start buying components (It can take up to one 4-5 weeks until I get the fpga board).
Any additional information please contact me at [email protected]